Monday, November 12, 2007

Fred Thompson endorsed by Pro Life Group!

Look here:

Nat'l Right to Life to endorse Thompson

Fred Thompson will pick up the support of the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) tomorrow, according to two Republicans familar with the decision.

For a candidate who came up empty-handed last week when three prominent Christian conservatives endorsed GOP hopefuls and is falling in both national and early state polls, the move comes at a critical time.

NRLC is the most prominent anti-abortion group in the country, with affiliates in all 50 states and over 3,000 local chapters.

Some critics are poo-poo-ing the endorsement due to Fred's federalist stance on the abortion issue; but in my mind, leaving the power to the States to decide is the quickest, most efficient means to save the most lives in the shortest possible time!

Congrats to Fred for receiving this important endorsement!


1 comment:

Homes Cooler 4 Fred said...

Great site!

We are MN-FredHeads too!

Stop over to our blog (just getting started)

Pretty cool about Seifert endorsing Fred...

Perhaps we'll see ya on the trail to the Whitehouse!